Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Time Distance MeWhenI 💎 514
CSS Colors Yewzir 🥉 1,192
𝑒 Yewzir 272
Poker Yewzir 🥈 892
SI Units Yewzir 🥉 1,520
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar Yewzir 🥉 241
Lucky Tickets Yewzir 800
Leyland Numbers Yewzir 🥈 265
Recamán Yewzir 187
Intersection Yewzir 🥈 340
Ascending Primes Yewzir 250
√2 Yewzir 🥉 860
φ Yewzir 🥉 857
τ Yewzir 863
π Yewzir 860
λ Yewzir 856
γ Yewzir 🥉 856
United States Yewzir 🥉 431
Time Distance Yewzir 🥈 518
Star Wars Opening Crawl Yewzir 🥈 691
Spelling Numbers Yewzir 🥈 603
Sierpiński Triangle Yewzir 🥈 165
Seven Segment Yewzir 🥈 253
Rule 110 Yewzir 287
Roman to Arabic Yewzir 325
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard Yewzir 💎 412
Quine Yewzir 🥇 75
QR Decoder Yewzir 672
Proximity Grid Yewzir 2,117
Pangram Grep Yewzir 🥉 178
Ordinal Numbers Yewzir 235
Morse Encoder Yewzir 🥉 481
Morse Decoder Yewzir 🥈 702
Medal Tally Yewzir 🥉 486
Look and Say Yewzir 🥉 294
ln 2 Yewzir 866
Levenshtein Distance Yewzir 422
Kolakoski Sequence Yewzir 🥈 132
Kolakoski Constant Yewzir 858
Jacobi Symbol Yewzir 374
Forsyth–Edwards Notation Yewzir 🥈 300
ISBN Yewzir 195
Gijswijt’s Sequence Yewzir 💎 271
Fractions Yewzir 275
Fizz Buzz Yewzir 186
Farey Sequence Yewzir 227
Factorial Factorisation Yewzir 916
Emojify Yewzir 380
Day of Week Yewzir 🥈 339
Cubes Yewzir 💎 423
Christmas Trees Yewzir 🥉 156
Catalan’s Constant Yewzir 857
Arabic to Roman Yewzir 🥈 286
99 Bottles of Beer Yewzir 473
24 Game Yewzir 🥈 13,847
12 Days of Christmas Yewzir 🥈 569
Pangram Grep olleicua 1,414
Divisors DialFrost 153
Farey Sequence DialFrost 🥈 164
Quine DialFrost 🥇 75