Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Number Spiral HumanoidCPU 315
Collatz dokutan 79
Quine sciencejiho 110
Abundant Numbers (Long) NickTheEASDude 81
Abundant Numbers NickTheEASDude 81
Farey Sequence NickTheEASDude 87
Lucky Tickets dokutan 2,222
π aalec 1,011
Forsyth–Edwards Notation dokutan 278
CSS Colors dokutan 1,665
United States dokutan 392
SI Units dokutan 🥉 1,362
Intersection dokutan 168
Emojify dokutan 254
Day of Week dokutan 174
Arabic to Roman dokutan 258
Pangram Grep dokutan 98
Van Eck Sequence dokutan 124
Odious Numbers (Long) dokutan 75
Evil Numbers (Long) dokutan 75
Gijswijt’s Sequence dokutan 161
Factorial Factorisation MeWhenI 150
Factorial Factorisation JayXon 💎 112
Emirp Numbers HumanoidCPU 313
Factorial Factorisation GrayJoKing 🥈 115
Kolakoski Sequence dokutan 282
Seven Segment dokutan 243
Morse Decoder dokutan 347
Morse Encoder dokutan 315
Fizz Buzz NickTheEASDude 70
Catalan Numbers dokutan 1,642
Cubes dokutan 253
Kolakoski Sequence HumanoidCPU 2,006
√2 HumanoidCPU 1,009
φ HumanoidCPU 1,009
Rijndael S-box HumanoidCPU 789
Leyland Numbers dokutan 605
Inventory Sequence dokutan 1,043
Leap Years dokutan 55
Factorial Factorisation Shanethegamer 🥉 128
Kolakoski Constant HumanoidCPU 1,009
Divisors HumanoidCPU 76
Factorial Factorisation msbranicky 173
Prime Numbers Yewzir 48
Factorial Factorisation Yewzir 868
Factorial Factorisation dokutan 868
λ HumanoidCPU 1,009
Factorial Factorisation KatieLG 871
Factorial Factorisation HumanoidCPU 868
Factorial Factorisation jared-hughes 129
Happy Numbers (Long) NickTheEASDude 98
Happy Numbers NickTheEASDude 98
τ HumanoidCPU 1,009
Catalan’s Constant HumanoidCPU 1,009
𝑒 HumanoidCPU 1,009
π HumanoidCPU 1,009
Reverse Polish Notation Shanethegamer 152
Fibonacci Herbert00709 🥇 43
Evil Numbers dokutan 48
Christmas Trees NickTheEASDude 108