Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
π aalec 1,012
Reverse Polish Notation MeWhenI 168
24 Game MeWhenI 🥈 7,004
Factorial Factorisation msbranicky 🥈 173
Christmas Trees dokutan 99
Prime Numbers (Long) dokutan 74
Fibonacci dokutan 52
Diamonds dokutan 162
√2 HumanoidCPU 1,011
φ HumanoidCPU 1,011
Factorial Factorisation Shanethegamer 💎 128
Kolakoski Constant HumanoidCPU 1,011
Rijndael S-box HumanoidCPU 791
Fibonacci Maximizer02 49
λ HumanoidCPU 1,011
Factorial Factorisation Yewzir 🥉 870
Factorial Factorisation dokutan 🥉 870
Factorial Factorisation KatieLG 🥉 870
Factorial Factorisation HumanoidCPU 🥉 870
Factorial Factorisation MeWhenI 🥉 870
τ HumanoidCPU 1,011
Happy Numbers (Long) Shanethegamer 93
𝑒 jtaxen 1,023
CSS Colors dokutan 💎 2,706
Morse Encoder dokutan 🥈 417
Tongue-twisters dokutan 🥉 395
Collatz ashtraypettingzoo 80
Prime Numbers (Long) ashtraypettingzoo 🥇 51
Prime Numbers ashtraypettingzoo 50
Pernicious Numbers dokutan 41
Time Distance Shanethegamer 💎 259
ISBN Shanethegamer 🥈 95
Spelling Numbers Shanethegamer 💎 368
United States KatieLG 🥉 802
SI Units KatieLG 🥈 14,372
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard KatieLG 693
Musical Chords KatieLG 🥉 6,636
Lucky Tickets KatieLG 2,522
Emojify KatieLG 🥈 335
CSS Colors KatieLG 🥈 3,004
Pernicious Numbers (Long) ashtraypettingzoo 106
Pernicious Numbers ashtraypettingzoo 91
Abundant Numbers (Long) ashtraypettingzoo 74
Abundant Numbers ashtraypettingzoo 73
Fibonacci ashtraypettingzoo 46
99 Bottles of Beer dokutan 438
Fizz Buzz dokutan 130
12 Days of Christmas neel11235813 507
π hexagon8899 1,012
Fibonacci HumanoidCPU 58
12 Days of Christmas HumanoidCPU 507
√2 olleicua 1,011
Odious Numbers (Long) steffan-polygolf 75
Niven Numbers steffan-polygolf 52
Evil Numbers (Long) steffan-polygolf 76
Medal Tally Shanethegamer 🥈 155
24 Game Shanethegamer 💎 251
Seven Segment dokutan 247
Fibonacci oceko 55
24 Game dokutan 🥉 12,439