


42 / 102 Holes


32 / 55 Langs


25 / 67 Cheevos



tegenton earned 🏌️ Fore!
tegenton earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
tegenton earned πŸ‘οΈ Big Brother
tegenton earned 2 achievements: πŸ”ž πŸƒ
tegenton earned πŸ”ž Rule 34
tegenton earned πŸƒ Blackjack
tegenton solved Quine in C#
tegenton earned πŸ– Polyglutton
tegenton solved Van Eck Sequence in C
tegenton solved Pangram Grep in C
tegenton solved Emirp Numbers in C
tegenton solved Quine in VimL
tegenton solved Vampire Numbers in C
tegenton solved RecamΓ‘n in C
tegenton earned 2 achievements: πŸ‘ 😴
tegenton earned πŸ‘ DON’T PANIC!
tegenton earned 😴 Forty Winks
tegenton solved Pernicious Numbers in C
tegenton solved Kolakoski Sequence in C
tegenton solved Leyland Numbers in C
tegenton solved Look and Say in C
tegenton solved Ordinal Numbers in C
tegenton solved Fractions in C
tegenton solved CSS Colors in C
tegenton solved brainfuck in C
tegenton solved Quine in JavaScript
tegenton solved Quine in Fortran
tegenton solved Quine in C
tegenton solved Quine in Zig
tegenton solved Quine in COBOL
tegenton solved Quine in PowerShell
tegenton solved Fibonacci in C
tegenton solved Happy Numbers (Long) in C
tegenton solved Happy Numbers in C
tegenton solved Kolakoski Constant in C
tegenton solved Ξ» in C
tegenton solved Ο€ in C
tegenton solved Ο„ in C
tegenton solved Ο† in C
tegenton solved √2 in C
tegenton solved 𝑒 in C
tegenton solved Smith Numbers in C
tegenton solved United States in C
tegenton solved Cubes in C
tegenton solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in C
tegenton solved Arrows in C
tegenton solved Arabic to Roman in C
tegenton solved Rule 110 in C
tegenton earned 🍺 The Watering Hole
tegenton solved Leap Years in C
tegenton solved Quine in Nim
tegenton solved Quine in Pascal
tegenton solved Quine in Swift
tegenton solved Quine in Go
tegenton solved Quine in Python
tegenton solved Quine in Perl
tegenton solved Quine in J
tegenton solved Quine in V
tegenton solved Quine in SQL
tegenton solved Quine in Crystal
tegenton solved Quine in Rust
tegenton earned 5 achievements: πŸͺ 🐘 πŸ”£ 🧢 β˜•
tegenton earned πŸͺ Tim Toady
tegenton earned 🐘 ElePHPant in the Room
tegenton earned πŸ”£ Polyglot
tegenton earned 🧢 tl;dr
tegenton earned β˜• Caffeinated
tegenton solved Quine in Raku
tegenton solved Quine in Ruby
tegenton solved Quine in Julia
tegenton solved Quine in Lua
tegenton solved Quine in F#
tegenton solved Quine in PHP
tegenton solved Niven Numbers in C
tegenton solved Quine in Assembly
tegenton solved Quine in Lisp
tegenton solved Quine in Bash
tegenton solved Quine in brainfuck
tegenton solved Quine in Haskell
tegenton solved Quine in ><>
tegenton solved Quine in Hexagony
tegenton solved Christmas Trees in C
tegenton earned πŸŽ‚ Happy Birthday, Code Golf
tegenton earned 🐍 Ouroboros
tegenton solved Quine in Java
tegenton solved Prime Numbers in C
tegenton solved Odious Numbers in C
tegenton solved Fizz Buzz in C
tegenton solved Evil Numbers in C
tegenton solved Abundant Numbers in C
tegenton solved 99 Bottles of Beer in C
tegenton solved Arabic to Roman in Raku
tegenton solved Pascal’s Triangle in C
tegenton solved 12 Days of Christmas in C
tegenton solved Divisors in C
tegenton solved Prime Numbers in Lua
tegenton solved Tongue-twisters in C
tegenton solved Diamonds in C
tegenton earned 3 achievements: πŸ‰ 🍞 🎸
tegenton earned πŸ‰ It’s Over 9000!
tegenton earned 🍞 Baker’s Dozen
tegenton earned 🎸 Up to Eleven
tegenton earned 2 achievements: πŸ¦₯ πŸ₯‘
tegenton earned πŸ¦₯ Slowcoach
tegenton earned πŸ₯‘ Takeout