


53 / 102 Holes


19 / 55 Langs


28 / 67 Cheevos


j-Ewan solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in J
j-Ewan solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Python
j-Ewan solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Python
j-Ewan solved Prime Numbers in Bash
j-Ewan solved Fibonacci in Bash
j-Ewan solved Fizz Buzz in Bash
j-Ewan earned 🏌️ Fore!
j-Ewan solved Pernicious Numbers in J
j-Ewan solved Quine in J
j-Ewan solved Odious Numbers (Long) in J
j-Ewan solved Odious Numbers in J
j-Ewan solved Odious Numbers (Long) in C
j-Ewan solved Odious Numbers in C
j-Ewan solved Evil Numbers in C
j-Ewan solved Evil Numbers (Long) in C
j-Ewan solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Go
j-Ewan solved Evil Numbers (Long) in J
j-Ewan solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Go
j-Ewan solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Go
j-Ewan solved Niven Numbers (Long) in J
j-Ewan solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Python
j-Ewan solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Python
j-Ewan earned 🎯 Bullseye
j-Ewan solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Python
j-Ewan solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Python
j-Ewan solved Fizz Buzz in C
j-Ewan solved Fizz Buzz in brainfuck
j-Ewan solved Fizz Buzz in C++
j-Ewan earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
j-Ewan earned πŸ‘οΈ Big Brother
j-Ewan solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Python
j-Ewan solved Emojify in Python
j-Ewan solved Collatz in Go
j-Ewan solved Collatz in Python
j-Ewan solved ASCII Table in Python
j-Ewan solved Look and Say in Go
j-Ewan solved RecamΓ‘n in Go
j-Ewan solved Van Eck Sequence in Go
j-Ewan solved Levenshtein Distance in Go
j-Ewan earned πŸ§ͺ Black-box Testing
j-Ewan solved Emirp Numbers in Python
j-Ewan solved Emirp Numbers in Go
j-Ewan solved Fractions in Python
j-Ewan solved Fractions in Go
j-Ewan solved Levenshtein Distance in Python
j-Ewan solved Ο† in J
j-Ewan solved √2 in J
j-Ewan solved Fibonacci in Python
j-Ewan solved √2 in Go
j-Ewan solved Ο„ in Go
j-Ewan solved Ο€ in Go
j-Ewan solved Ο† in Go
j-Ewan earned πŸ₯§ Pi Day
j-Ewan solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Go
j-Ewan solved Prime Numbers in Go
j-Ewan solved Pernicious Numbers in Python
j-Ewan solved Pernicious Numbers in Go
j-Ewan solved Niven Numbers in Go
j-Ewan earned πŸ€ Happy-Go-Lucky
j-Ewan solved Lucky Numbers in Go
j-Ewan solved Look and Say in Python
j-Ewan solved Leyland Numbers in Go
j-Ewan solved Leyland Numbers in Python
j-Ewan solved Leap Years in Go
j-Ewan solved Kolakoski Sequence in Python
j-Ewan solved Kolakoski Sequence in Go
j-Ewan solved Happy Numbers in Go
j-Ewan solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Go
j-Ewan solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Go
j-Ewan solved Fibonacci in Go
j-Ewan solved Odious Numbers in Go
j-Ewan solved Evil Numbers in Go
j-Ewan solved Divisors in Go
j-Ewan solved Catalan Numbers in Go
j-Ewan solved Abundant Numbers in Go
j-Ewan earned 2 achievements: πŸ‘ 😴
j-Ewan earned πŸ‘ DON’T PANIC!
j-Ewan earned 😴 Forty Winks
j-Ewan solved Number Spiral in Python
j-Ewan solved Ο€ in Python
j-Ewan solved Ο„ in Python
j-Ewan solved 𝑒 in Python
j-Ewan solved √2 in Python
j-Ewan solved Ο† in Python
j-Ewan solved Fizz Buzz in Java
j-Ewan solved Fizz Buzz in Python
j-Ewan solved Fizz Buzz in Go
j-Ewan solved Quine in Go
j-Ewan solved Lucky Numbers in Python
j-Ewan solved Morse Decoder in Python
j-Ewan solved Morse Encoder in Python
j-Ewan solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in Python
j-Ewan solved Arrows in Python
j-Ewan earned πŸ”ž Rule 34
j-Ewan solved Ordinal Numbers in Python
j-Ewan solved Leap Years in Python
j-Ewan solved Fibonacci in J
j-Ewan solved Pascal’s Triangle in Python
j-Ewan solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Python
j-Ewan solved RecamΓ‘n in Python
j-Ewan solved Van Eck Sequence in Python