


92 / 102 Holes


45 / 55 Langs


49 / 67 Cheevos


Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Factorial Factorisation in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Happy Numbers in Python
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pangram Grep in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pangram Grep in Zig
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ”  Pangramglot
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Ascending Primes in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved 12 Days of Christmas in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸŽ… Twelvetide
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved √2 in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved 99 Bottles of Beer in C#
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ‘ Mary Had a Little Lambda
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Ξ» in Lisp
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Ξ» in Haskell
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Ξ» in Clojure
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Divisors in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Farey Sequence in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ“ Right On!
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Collatz in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Janet
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned 2 achievements: πŸ‘„ 🎺
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ‘„ Dammit, Janet!
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned 🎺 Sounds Quite Nice
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Musical Chords in D
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Musical Chords in C
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Musical Chords in C#
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pascal’s Triangle in Pascal
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ—œ Under Pressure
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Day of Week in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Poker in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Ο„ in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Ο† in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸƒ Marathon Runner
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved 𝑒 in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved ln 2 in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Ο€ in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved DFA Simulator in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned 2 achievements: πŸ–₯️ 🐍
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ–₯️ x86
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned 🐍 Ouroboros
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Levenshtein Distance in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Tongue-twisters in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Diamonds in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved United States in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Game of Life in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Kolakoski Constant in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved CSS Colors in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Emojify in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Inventory Sequence in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Arabic to Roman in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Fractions in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Emirp Numbers in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Ξ³ in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Quine in Python
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ§› Vampire Byte
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Arithmetic Numbers in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Rijndael S-box in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Abundant Numbers in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Niven Numbers in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Time Distance in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Quine in Hexagony
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Quine in Java
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Diamonds in Ruby
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ’ Jeweler
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Diamonds in Crystal
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Seven Segment in C
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pangram Grep in SQL
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pangram Grep in Swift
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pangram Grep in OCaml
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pangram Grep in Haskell
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pangram Grep in Wren
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pangram Grep in Elixir
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pangram Grep in Ruby
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pangram Grep in Python
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Pangram Grep in sed
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Lucky Numbers in Go
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned 5 achievements: πŸ€ πŸ₯ πŸͺ πŸ§ͺ πŸ•‰οΈ
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ€ Happy-Go-Lucky
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ₯ Emergency Room
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸͺ Tim Toady
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ§ͺ Black-box Testing
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ•‰οΈ Omniglot
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Happy Numbers in Go
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved 𝑒 in R
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in Raku
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in Python
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned 2 achievements: 🐘 πŸ˜›
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned 🐘 ElePHPant in the Room
Schmitt-Very-Cool earned πŸ˜› Just Kidding
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in PHP
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in Perl
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in Pascal
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in OCaml
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in Nim
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in Lua
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in Lisp
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in K
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in Julia
Schmitt-Very-Cool solved Evil Numbers in JavaScript