


45 / 102 Holes


6 / 55 Langs


21 / 67 Cheevos


RandGuy solved Fizz Buzz in Coconut
RandGuy solved Game of Life in Python
RandGuy solved Ο€ in Python
RandGuy solved Ο„ in Python
RandGuy solved Ο† in Python
RandGuy solved √2 in Python
RandGuy earned 2 achievements: πŸ‘ 😴
RandGuy earned πŸ‘ DON’T PANIC!
RandGuy earned 😴 Forty Winks
RandGuy solved 𝑒 in Python
RandGuy solved Fibonacci in C#
RandGuy earned 🏌️ Fore!
RandGuy earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
RandGuy earned πŸ‘οΈ Big Brother
RandGuy solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Python
RandGuy solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Python
RandGuy solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Python
RandGuy solved Collatz in Python
RandGuy solved Evil Numbers in Python
RandGuy solved Abundant Numbers in Python
RandGuy solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Python
RandGuy earned πŸ”ž Rule 34
RandGuy solved Fractions in Python
RandGuy solved Diamonds in Python
RandGuy earned πŸ‹ Twenty Kiloleagues
RandGuy solved Christmas Trees in Python
RandGuy solved Look and Say in Python
RandGuy solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Python
RandGuy earned 🌈 Different Strokes
RandGuy solved Fibonacci in Python
RandGuy solved Fizz Buzz in Python
RandGuy solved brainfuck in Python
RandGuy solved Cubes in Python
RandGuy earned 3 achievements: πŸ§ͺ ⭐ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
RandGuy earned πŸ§ͺ Black-box Testing
RandGuy earned ⭐ My God, It’s Full of Stars
RandGuy earned πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Independence Day
RandGuy solved Odious Numbers in Python
RandGuy solved Pernicious Numbers in Python
RandGuy solved United States in Python
RandGuy solved Leap Years in Python
RandGuy solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Python
RandGuy solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Python
RandGuy solved Prime Numbers in Python
RandGuy solved Zodiac Signs in Python
RandGuy solved Spelling Numbers in Python
RandGuy solved Rule 110 in Python
RandGuy solved Pascal’s Triangle in Python
RandGuy solved RecamΓ‘n in Python
RandGuy solved Seven Segment in Python
RandGuy solved Pascal’s Triangle in C#
RandGuy solved Ordinal Numbers in C#
RandGuy solved Lucky Numbers in C#
RandGuy solved Intersection in C#
RandGuy solved Fractions in C#
RandGuy solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in C#
RandGuy solved Divisors in C#
RandGuy solved 12 Days of Christmas in C#
RandGuy solved Leap Years in C#
RandGuy solved 99 Bottles of Beer in C#
RandGuy earned 2 achievements: πŸƒ 🍺
RandGuy earned πŸƒ Blackjack
RandGuy earned 🍺 The Watering Hole
RandGuy solved Niven Numbers in C#
RandGuy solved Tongue-twisters in C#
RandGuy solved Rule 110 in C#
RandGuy solved Seven Segment in C#
RandGuy solved Quine in C
RandGuy solved Quine in Ruby
RandGuy solved Quine in Bash
RandGuy solved Quine in C#
RandGuy earned 2 achievements: πŸͺž πŸ‰
RandGuy earned πŸͺž Solve Quine
RandGuy earned πŸ‰ It’s Over 9000!
RandGuy solved Morse Encoder in C#
RandGuy earned 🍞 Baker’s Dozen
RandGuy earned 5 achievements: 🎸 πŸ“• πŸ¦₯ πŸ’Ό πŸ‘‹
RandGuy earned 🎸 Up to Eleven
RandGuy earned πŸ“• RTFM
RandGuy earned πŸ¦₯ Slowcoach
RandGuy earned πŸ’Ό Interview Ready
RandGuy earned πŸ‘‹ Hello, World!
RandGuy solved Prime Numbers (Long) in C#
RandGuy solved Prime Numbers in C#
RandGuy solved Abundant Numbers in C#
RandGuy solved Fizz Buzz in C#