Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
Niven Numbers (Long) HumanoidCPU 305
N Queens MeWhenI 1,293
N Queens sean-niemann 💎 195
ln 2 HumanoidCPU 1,053
𝑒 Jacob385 1,055
N Queens rucin93 🥈 208
N Queens KatieLG 1,293
N Queens dokutan 🥉 512
24 Game Jacob385 13,847
N Queens Shanethegamer 1,293
N Queens Jacob385 1,448
Factorial Factorisation sean-niemann 161
Fizz Buzz stefangimmillaro 121
Fibonacci dokutan 87
Vampire Numbers ashscodes 664
Fibonacci ashscodes 82
Arabic to Roman emplv 245
12 Days of Christmas emplv 563
γ sciencejiho 1,058
π sciencejiho 1,058
Farey Sequence stefangimmillaro 110
Number Spiral HumanoidCPU 359
Quine sciencejiho 197
π aalec 1,056
Emojify JayXon 💎 154
12 Days of Christmas Rekkoil 859
Factorial Factorisation MeWhenI 🥉 158
Emojify stefangimmillaro 🥈 156
Factorial Factorisation JayXon 💎 144
Niven Numbers HumanoidCPU 303
Fizz Buzz zwxzwxzwx21 333
√2 HumanoidCPU 1,053
φ HumanoidCPU 1,053
Rijndael S-box HumanoidCPU 833
Fibonacci Mandrzejy 104
Kolakoski Constant HumanoidCPU 1,053
Divisors HumanoidCPU 134
Divisors arctouch-cristiannevianna 112
Collatz arctouch-cristiannevianna 121
Divisors elgan65536 110
Factorial Factorisation elgan65536 175
Factorial Factorisation stefangimmillaro 🥈 157
Factorial Factorisation Steffan153 🥉 158
Factorial Factorisation msbranicky 181
Factorial Factorisation Shanethegamer 210
𝑒 HumanoidCPU 1,053
τ HumanoidCPU 1,053
π HumanoidCPU 1,053
Factorial Factorisation HumanoidCPU 912
ASCII Table HumanoidCPU 341
Lucky Numbers HumanoidCPU 205
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar HumanoidCPU 197
Fizz Buzz HumanoidCPU 154
Prime Numbers HumanoidCPU 116
λ HumanoidCPU 1,053
Fizz Buzz Jacob385 156
Factorial Factorisation Yewzir 909
Factorial Factorisation KatieLG 909
Niven Numbers (Long) Yewzir 101
Star Wars Opening Crawl hrubymar10 5,433