


2 / 104 Holes


3 / 55 Langs


4 / 67 Cheevos


namelessiw solved ln 2 in Python
namelessiw solved Diamonds in C#
namelessiw solved Morse Decoder in C#
namelessiw solved Catalan Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Mahjong in C#
namelessiw solved Rijndael S-box in C#
namelessiw solved Sudoku in C#
namelessiw solved Kolakoski Sequence in C#
namelessiw solved Forsyth–Edwards Notation in C#
namelessiw solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in C#
namelessiw solved Poker in C#
namelessiw solved Proximity Grid in C#
namelessiw solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in C#
namelessiw solved Abundant Numbers in Coconut
namelessiw solved Abundant Numbers in Python
namelessiw solved Abundant Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Pascal’s Triangle in Coconut
namelessiw solved Pascal’s Triangle in Python
namelessiw solved Pascal’s Triangle in C#
namelessiw solved 12 Days of Christmas in C#
namelessiw solved Maze in C#
namelessiw solved QR Decoder in C#
namelessiw solved Game of Life in C#
namelessiw solved Reverse Polish Notation in C#
namelessiw solved Lucky Tickets in C#
namelessiw solved Musical Chords in C#
namelessiw solved Roman to Arabic in C#
namelessiw solved Spelling Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Arabic to Roman in C#
namelessiw solved brainfuck in C#
namelessiw solved 99 Bottles of Beer in C#
namelessiw solved Emojify in C#
namelessiw solved Ordinal Numbers in C#
Sanctuspaladin earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
namelessiw solved SI Units in C#
namelessiw solved Vampire Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Zodiac Signs in C#
namelessiw solved Morse Encoder in C#
namelessiw solved Tongue-twisters in C#
namelessiw solved Seven Segment in C#
namelessiw solved Rule 110 in C#
namelessiw solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in C#
namelessiw solved Pangram Grep in C#
namelessiw solved Factorial Factorisation in C#
namelessiw solved CSS Colors in C#
namelessiw solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in Coconut
namelessiw solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in Python
namelessiw solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in C#
namelessiw solved Hexdump in C#
namelessiw solved Happy Numbers (Long) in C#
namelessiw solved Time Distance in C#
namelessiw solved Evil Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Odious Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Odious Numbers (Long) in C#
namelessiw solved Evil Numbers (Long) in C#
namelessiw solved Day of Week in C#
namelessiw solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in C#
namelessiw solved Fizz Buzz in C#
namelessiw solved ASCII Table in C#
namelessiw solved Fizz Buzz in C++
namelessiw solved United States in C#
namelessiw solved Medal Tally in C#
namelessiw solved N Queens in C#
namelessiw solved Smith Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Sudoku v2 in C#
namelessiw solved Arithmetic Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Prime Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Emirp Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Look and Say in C#
namelessiw solved Ξ³ in C#
namelessiw solved Quine in Python
namelessiw solved Quine in C#
namelessiw solved Ξ» in C#
namelessiw solved Tongue-twisters in Coconut
namelessiw solved Tongue-twisters in Python
namelessiw solved Christmas Trees in C#
namelessiw solved Number Spiral in C#
namelessiw solved Number Spiral in Coconut
namelessiw solved Number Spiral in Python
namelessiw earned πŸ₯§ Pi Day
namelessiw solved Collatz in Rockstar
namelessiw solved Fizz Buzz in Rockstar
namelessiw solved Levenshtein Distance in C#
namelessiw solved Levenshtein Distance in Python
namelessiw solved Evil Numbers (Long) in C
namelessiw solved Evil Numbers in C
namelessiw solved Prime Numbers (Long) in C
namelessiw solved Arithmetic Numbers in C
namelessiw solved Prime Numbers in C
namelessiw solved Pernicious Numbers in C
namelessiw solved Divisors in C
namelessiw solved Fizz Buzz in Assembly
namelessiw solved 24 Game in Python
namelessiw solved Niven Numbers in Coconut
namelessiw solved Niven Numbers in Python
namelessiw solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Python
namelessiw solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Coconut
namelessiw solved Smith Numbers in Coconut
namelessiw solved Smith Numbers in Python
namelessiw solved Emirp Numbers in Python