


57 / 104 Holes


32 / 55 Langs


31 / 67 Cheevos


HumanEquivalentUnit solved N Queens in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved N Queens in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit earned πŸͺž Solve Quine
HumanEquivalentUnit solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Factorial Factorisation in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Factorial Factorisation in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Diamonds in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved √2 in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Ο„ in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Ξ» in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved 12 Days of Christmas in Fortran
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Farey Sequence in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Farey Sequence in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved RecamΓ‘n in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Catalan Numbers in Prolog
annaproxy followed HumanEquivalentUnit
HumanEquivalentUnit solved United States in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Spelling Numbers in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Day of Week in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved CSS Colors in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Collatz in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved RecamΓ‘n in C#
HumanEquivalentUnit solved RecamΓ‘n in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved RecamΓ‘n in Python
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Abundant Numbers in Python
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Kolakoski Constant in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Vampire Numbers in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Vampire Numbers in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Vampire Numbers in Python
HumanEquivalentUnit solved ASCII Table in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved ASCII Table in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved ASCII Table in Python
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Vampire Numbers in C#
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Niven Numbers in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Odious Numbers in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Ο† in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Ο† in Python
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Ο† in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Fibonacci in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit earned 2 achievements: πŸ¦‹ 🎯
HumanEquivalentUnit earned πŸ¦‹ Real Programmers
HumanEquivalentUnit earned 🎯 Bullseye
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Odious Numbers in VimL
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Arithmetic Numbers in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Day of Week in C#
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Day of Week in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Abundant Numbers in Go
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Abundant Numbers in Rust
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Odious Numbers in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved ln 2 in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved ln 2 in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Tongue-twisters in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Ο€ in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Ξ» in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Odious Numbers in C#
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Ξ³ in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved √2 in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Ξ³ in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved 𝑒 in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved 𝑒 in C#
HumanEquivalentUnit solved 𝑒 in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Odious Numbers (Long) in C#
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Odious Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Niven Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Happy Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Evil Numbers in C#
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Evil Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Evil Numbers (Long) in C#
HumanEquivalentUnit earned πŸ‘ DON’T PANIC!
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Arithmetic Numbers in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Emirp Numbers in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Abundant Numbers in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit earned 😴 Forty Winks
HumanEquivalentUnit solved CSS Colors in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Arithmetic Numbers in C#
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Arithmetic Numbers in JavaScript
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Arithmetic Numbers in Python
HumanEquivalentUnit earned 🏌️ Fore!
HumanEquivalentUnit earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
HumanEquivalentUnit earned πŸ‘οΈ Big Brother
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Reverse Polish Notation in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Catalan Numbers in Python
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Leap Years in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved 12 Days of Christmas in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Smith Numbers in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Look and Say in PowerShell
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Look and Say in Python
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Look and Say in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Prime Numbers in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Catalan’s Constant in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit earned πŸ”ž Rule 34
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Leyland Numbers in Prolog
HumanEquivalentUnit solved Emojify in PowerShell